1M Parent Guest Speakers

Over the past few weeks, the 1M students were fortunate to have two wonderful guest speakers visit their class, sharing valuable knowledge on health and well-being.

On Wednesday 11 December, Mrs Novikova, a parent of one of the students, spoke to the children about the importance of getting enough sleep. The students were surprised to learn that they should sleep at least 10 hours each night. Mrs Novikova also introduced calming techniques, helping the kids understand how to unwind before bed and when they’re tired or upset.

Then, on Monday 16 December, Mr Khoueir, another parent, visited the class to talk about eye health. He explained the different parts of the eye and shared tips on how to keep our eyes healthy. He brought a model of an eye, which was very interesting to see, as well as some tools that doctors use when checking their patients. Both Mrs Novikova and Mr Khoueir emphasized the importance of getting enough sleep, spending time outdoors in fresh air, drinking water instead of sugary drinks, eating healthy foods, and reducing screen time.

We would like to thank both of our guest speakers for taking the time to share their expertise with us. Their visits were a great way to help the students learn more about taking care of their bodies and minds.

 1M students and Klavdija Čuk

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