Middle Years Programme

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) is for students aged 11-16.

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a five-year programme, which is offered jointly in Ljubljana by Danila Kumar International School and Gimnazija Bežigrad. Danila Kumar offers the first three years of the MYP, with Gimnazija Bežigrad delivering the final two years of the programme.

Danila Kumar and Gimnazija Bežigrad are very experienced in delivering the MYP. We were amongst the first schools to offer the programme officially in September 1993.

At Danila Kumar, students from Grade 6 to Grade 8 are part of the MYP (Years 1 to 3). It offers an educational approach that embraces, yet transcends, traditional school subjects. While insisting upon thorough study of the various disciplines, MYP accentuates the inter-relatedness of them and so advances a holistic view of knowledge. Students are encouraged to develop intercultural awareness along with genuine understanding of their own history and traditions.

The IB Middle Years Programme consists of eight subject groups:

  • Language Acquisition (Slovenian and German or French)
  • Language and Literature (English – Language of Instruction)
  • Individuals and Societies (Geography/History)
  • Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
  • Mathematics
  • Arts (Visual, Musical, Performing)
  • Physical an Health Education
  • Design

In addition to these subjects, there are also ATL skills and Homeroom lessons.

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