PYP programme

Central ideas and learning objectives for the 2024/25 PYP units of inquiry are shown below. Each UoI will be added when it is started.

Collapsed Days, Excursions and Special Events

Running throughout the school year, our PYP programme also includes transdiciplinary in-class and excursion-based science, cultural and sport activities, which are organised to complement the student’s inquiries, promote and develop our school community, and introduce novel and interesting experiences.

PYP Exhibition

The PYP Exhibition is held in the last quarter of the school year. It is the culmination of all the skills and working attitudes that have been developed by students of Grade 5. Students are required to inquire, research and report their findings. The PYP Exhibition Guidelines give students and parents information on the processes and outcomes of this project work and will be available here shortly.

About Us
