World Scholar’s Cup 🗓

Trebnje-Ljubljana, 15 & 16 March 2025.

This year the World Scholar’s Cup regional tournament will take place in two places: Day 1 – Trebnje; Day 2 – Ljubljana. The application fee is 40€ and transport costs of approximately 3€ are expected. We will probably take the train to Trebnje but, based on last year’s experience, we would kindly ask you to consider picking the students up in Trebnje after the event. The students will be asked to arrive at Festivalna dvorana in Ljubljana on the second day of their own accord. The application fee includes registration, materials and one meal per day. The students are advised to bring their own snacks as well. As this is an extracurricular activity, the school, unfortunately, does not cover the expenses. We would kindly ask you to inform us whether you agree to your child participating at the event by 28 February 2025.

Application Form

Student’s name _________________________, Grade _____

Parent’s signature __________________________

from to
Scheduled ical Google outlook Event

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