On Tuesday, 9 April, grades 1M to 4M are going to see a symphony orchestra matinee at Cankarjev dom. The concert will be performed by The Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, the dance group Harlekin and the narrator and actor Andrej Rozman Roza. With music, movement and most importantly, specific orchestra instruments they will present different animals which inspired composers in the 19th and 20th centuries. As this is a classical music event at a cultural institution, the students should dress nicely for the occasion.
The timetable for the day is:
07:50 – gathering at school and picking up school snack
08:00 – leaving school for Cankarjev dom by bus
09:00 – performance
09:45 – snack at Cankarjev dom
10:05 – return to school by bus
11:05 – 12:05 – lesson for reflection
12:05 – end of cultural day / lunch, AP
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your homeroom teacher or send an email to
Sara Štrancar